Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

wah parah

Metrotvnews.com, Rusia: Maskapai penerbangan terbesar di Rusia memecat seorang pramugari, Jumat (11/5). Pasalnya, pramugari itu menertawakan insiden jatuhnya Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100 di Gunung Salak, Bogor, Jawa Barat, pada Rabu (9/5) lalu.

Ekaterina Solovyeva, pramugari Maskapai Aeroflot asal Rusia, harus mempertanggungjawabkan kicauannya di twitter. Pramugari yang akrab dipanggil Kate dengan enteng mengejek insiden kecelakaan tersebut.

Dalam tweetnya, Kate menyatakan Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100 adalah pesawat yang jelek. Untung insiden itu tidak terjadi pada Maskapai Aeroflot. Padahal Maskapai Aeroflot, tempat Kate bekerja, mengoperasikan enam Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100.

Kicauan Kate pun membuat kesal tweeps lainnya. Kate kemudian dilaporkan ke Maskapai Aeroflot. Untuk menghapus jejak, Kate menghapus komentar kontroversialnya itu. Sayang tweetnya terlanjur dibaca banyak orang dan dibaca atasannya. Aeroflot pun kemudian memecat Kate.

Sementara di Indonesia, tanggapan serupa bernada ejekan juga muncul. Tak hanya itu, foto mengenaskan yang diduga berasal dari lokasi penemuan Pesawat Sukhoi juga tersebar melalui jejaring sosial.

Namun beberapa pengguna media sosial lain mengingatkan agar foto itu tidak disebarluaskan. Karena dapat melukai perasaan keluarga korban.(Wtr4)

masih bahas sokhoi

Jakarta Tim dari Rusia sudah turun ke lapangan membantu proses identifikasi jatuhnya penumpang pesawat Sukhoi SuperJet 100 di Gunung Salak, Jawa Barat. Tim Rusia yang terdiri dari 82 orang ini disebar di 3 titik.

"Tim Rusia posisinya ada di tiga tempat, ahli forensik ditempatkan di RS Polri, administrasi semua ada di Halim, dan tim di Gunung Salak. Jumlahnya 82," kata konsultan PT Trimarga Rekatama, Sunaryo, saat ditemui wartawan RS Polri Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur, Minggu (13/5/2012).

Sunaryo mengatakan hingga kini penyebab insiden ini masih belum diketahui. Tim Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) dari Rusia dan Indonesia bekerja sama menyelidiki hal itu.

"Jadi semua bingung. Itu pesawat super canggih. Kenapa bisa ada kejadian seperti ini," ujarnya.

Menurut Sunaryo, sejauh ini kendala penyelidikan adalah data-datanya di lapangan yang belum lengkap. "Kendalanya fact finding belum lengkap, apa yang dibutuhkan dicatat, engine-nya dicek. Semuanya dijadikan satu," paparnya.

Berdasar pengalaman Sunaryo selama 35 tahun bertugas di TNI AU, untuk mencari penyebab kecelakaan pesawat setidaknya membutuhkan waktu 1 tahun.

"Itu juga sulit. Kebukanya baru beberapa tahun kemudian. Sampai 1 tahun lagi. Selama ini begitu," ucapnya.



Name    : Rizka.Awaliah
Class    : XI Science Four
Theme    : Global Warming

        Climate and Wheather Become Unpredictable

    Global warming causing climate and wheather in the world  become unpredictable. That problem make everyone get disadvantage. But their activity is the main cause of ther present climate change. Which one humans activity causing that are humans also cut down the vast forest and greenhouse effect.
    My opinion about that are everyone in the earth should be changes their activity which causing Global Warming. Such as decreases cut down the vast forest. Because vegetation and trees absorb and store carbon dioxide. It can decreases amount of carbon dioxide in the atsmophere layer. And the effects of carbon dioxide on temperature is probably over done.
    Other factors causing Global Warming is greenhouse effects. It is contributing extra carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide have been released into the atmosphere layer. That all make everyone get much disadvantage. As increases air pollution, increases allergy and asthma trates due to earlier bloming of plants, increases deaths from heat waves, loss of animal and plant habitats, increases forest fire in size and intensity , and increases cost of insurance as insurers pay out  claims resulting from increasingly large disasters.
    The best solution for that all problem are decreases humans activity which can make amount carbon dioxide in atmosphere layer increases. And humans should be save our earth for other generation . and than humans should be can stop or decreases illegal logging and greenhouse effects. And I am believe if all of them humans do it so our world will be change better then today. And I trust we never get disadvantage cause global warming again.

kotak hitamnya belum ditemuiin nih

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- Kotak hitam pesawat Sukhoi Superjet-100 belum ditemukan. Tim SAR gabungan akan mengupayakan pencarian kotak perekam itu pada evakuasi hari ini, Ahad (13/5).

"Kotak hitam masih dalam pencarian," kata Komandan Resor Militer 061/Suryakencana Kolonel Inf AM Putranto di posko Cipelang, Bogor.

Ia mengatakan, pencarian kotak hitam akan dibantu 46 personel dari tim penyelamat Rusia. Peralatan berupa "black box detector" telah dibekalkan kepada tim pendaki yang diberangkatkan. "Tim investigasi dari KNKT (Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi) juga telah bergerak ke lokasi tebing," ujarnya.

Jumlah personel tim SAR gabungan pada hari ini mencapai 2.083 orang. Sekitar 526 personel masih bertahan di lokasi tebing jatuhnya pesawat. "Sisanya kami siagakan untuk menggantikan tim yang di atas tebing," tuturnya.

Data antemortem korban sukhoi lengkap

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Data antemortem (ciri-ciri korban) kecelakaan pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100 dinyatakan lengkap. Data tersebutlah yang kemudian akan dicocokkan dengan temuan tim pengangkutan jenazah di lapangan. Hal itu disampaikan Kepala Pusat Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Kepolisian yang juga Ketua Tim DVI Nasional, Brigadir Jenderal (Pol) Musaddeq dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta, Minggu (13/5/2012).
"Seluruh pengumpulan antemortem sudah dilaksanakan termasuk dari luar negeri. Data dari Rusia 8, Amerika Serikat dan Perancis satu, sudah lengkap. Termasuk profil DNA yang diharapkan," kata Mussadeq.
Hingga siang ini, tim DVI telah menerima 21 kantong jenazah dari lokasi kejadian. Kantong-kantong jenazah yang dikumpulkan di Rumah Sakit Polri, Kramajati tersebut sebagian besar telah dibuka dan isinya akan dikelompokkan. "21 kantong dari TKP (tempak kejadian perkara), terdiri atas 18 kantong jenazah dan 3 kantong berisi properti, pakaian, perhiasan, kartu identitas, dan lain-lain," ujarnya.
Sejak kemarin siang, lanjut Musaddeq, tim DVI sudah bekerja melaksanakan pemeriksaan kedokteran forensik, odontologi, ortho forensik, pengambilan sampling terhadap jenazah untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan DNA yang diharapkan selesai malam ini. Tim DVI dibantu tim rusia dan sejumlah pakar dari universitas-universitas di Indonesia.
Selasa (15/5/2012), tim akan kedatangan ahli DNA Rusia, Pavel Inavov yang membantu proses identifikasi jenazah korban. Musaddeq menjelaskan, identifikasi akan dilakukan melalui prosedur yang ditetapkan kepolisian internasional (Interpol). Ketua tim Rusia, dr Andrey Kovalev yang hadir dalam jumpa pers tersebut mengatakan, pihaknya berterimakasih karena diizinkan membantu Indonesia mengidentifikasi jenazah korban. Tim Rusia, akan bekerja semaksimal mungkin agar proses identifikasi segera selesai.

wanita inspirasi

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tulisan Sri Mulyani di Situs Bank Dunia: Winning in Transition

Is the Arab Spring turning into a gloomy autumn? With brutal crackdowns in Syria, a bloody civil war in Libya, and Yemen teetering on the brink of chaos, the number of skeptics is growing. Although Egypt and Tunisia’s pro-democracy movements achieved rapid regime change, uncertainties remain in those countries, too. After a brief period of hope, many observers now wonder whether the region is capable of producing viable, and economically vibrant, democracies.

Revolutions and their aftermaths, of course, are always fluid and fickle times, and the outcome is often perched on a knife’s edge. Bridging the vast gap between high expectations and the reality of limited budgets and capabilities is a test in itself. Redressing past injustice and building an economy that offers opportunity to all are major challenges as well, fraught with volatility, uncertainty, and the dangers of political opportunism.
But transitions are also times of great opportunity. In the 1990’s, I was among those Indonesians who demanded and celebrated the departure of our own autocrat, Suharto, and I joined the new government when he left. Many observers predicted that Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, would be unable to sustain democracy and would ultimately decline into chaos. The task ahead of us was daunting. But we proved the skeptics wrong, and learned some fundamental lessons.

Perhaps most importantly, we learned that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for democratization. Each of the countries of the Middle East and North Africa will face unique challenges, which will have to be addressed on their own terms. Even so, they all must make a real and symbolic break with the past. The new authorities must send strong signals that the old ways are finished.

Change must be formally manifested, with new laws that are widely publicized. Legislation that empowers citizens with freedom of expression, free and independent elections, and freedom of association is crucial, and it must be made clear to the public that no one is above the law. Anything less will undermine the transition.

Moreover, corruption is the bane of development everywhere, so new governments should move fast to establish institutions and procedures to fight it. Transparency and accountability are powerful ideas with near-universal support, which means that new leaders should not give up when the fight becomes difficult. Civil-society organizations, local communities, representatives of the poor and vulnerable, and women play a vital role in this regard, and they should be included at every level of decision-making.

In Indonesia, we signed a hundred laws in less than 18 months, covering everything from media freedom to elections, corruption, decentralization, and anti-trust rules. We ratified new public-finance legislation and ensured the independence of the country’s central bank.

New leaders must also expect and manage setbacks. In post-revolutionary times, expectations are high, and the obstacles to meeting them are enormous. I know from personal experience that we did not always have the luxury of getting the best outcomes. We had to compromise and settle for the best possible results.

Security threats are among the most serious setbacks in transitions. Nationalistic sentiment is strong, and politicians and interest groups can exploit it. Often, the security forces are holdovers from the old regime, and there is no independent judicial system. Reforms will take time, and the old bureaucracies may not be able to implement them.

In Indonesia, we used various innovations to work around such dilemmas. For example, we appointed an independent judge to take over the bankruptcy and corruption courts, because career judges were too tainted. Likewise, when we started cash-for-work programs as part of our pro-poor agenda, we asked communities to run these initiatives.

More broadly, new leaders are well advised to ensure that the economy performs well. It is important to restore economic activity and create a favorable environment for entrepreneurs, particularly small and medium-size businesses, which constitute the main engine of job creation. The recent revolutions, it should be recalled, started with the self-immolation of a Tunisian fruit vendor, who was harassed and insulted by the authorities.

But economic success without accountability and social inclusion is not sustainable, and new governments often must face tough choices in order to protect the poor and vulnerable. They might have to abolish mis-targeted subsidies to free up resources for more targeted and efficient anti-poverty and job-creation programs.
In Indonesia, we had to draw a line between the very poor and the near-poor. We could not afford to raise salaries or provide subsidies for everybody. Our help had to be targeted. So, while we helped the neediest, we excluded others who were not poor enough to benefit. This was a tough and unpopular choice.

Finally, countries in transition need support – not only money, but also technical know-how to implement highly complex reforms. When I became Indonesia’s finance minister, I had 64,000 employees. But when we had to modernize our tax system, we could not find the required expertise anywhere in our country.

Yes, we needed external assistance, but we never surrendered “ownership” of the reform process; we made it work for us. If we Indonesians had not been in charge of our own transition, it could easily have failed. That lesson, too, is one that all countries in transition should bear in mind.

Sri Mulyani Indrawati is Managing Director of the World Bank Group and a former finance minister of Indonesia.

besok, korban sukhoi ditargetkan terangkat semua

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Proses pengangkatan korban pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100 belum bisa diselesaikan hari ini, Minggu (13/5/2012). Basarnas menargetkan akan menyelesaikan proses pemindahan jenazah pada Senin (14/5/2012) besok jika kondisi cuaca memungkinan.
Kepala Basarnas Marsekal Madya Daryatmo menjelaskan, proses pengangkatan korban terhalang oleh cuaca yang kurang baik pada hari ini. Hal ini mengakibatkan helikopter pengangkut jenazah korban tidak bisa masuk ke lokasi jatuhnya pesawat. Upaya ini juga terhalang oleh kondisi malam hari sehingga Basarnas menganggap tidak efektif untuk melakukan pengangkatan korban pada kondisi gelap.
"Evakuasi kita hentikan dulu sejenak, besok pagi kita mulai lagi. Tapi dihentikan itu bukan berarti operasi ditutup. Tim SAR di sana tetap menjalankan tugas," kata Daryatmo di Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta Timur, Minggu (13/5/2012).
Daryatmo mengatakan, posisi tim SAR kini sudah berada di bawah atau pada area crash site tempat puing-puing pesawat ditemukan. Dengan kondisi tersebut, pengangkatan jenazah akan mudah dilakukan karena tim SAR sudah ada di lokasi paling penting di antara reruntuhan pesawat. "Karena sudah berada di dekat dengan puing-puing yang kami anggap lebih besar, saya targetkan besok bisa terangkat (korban) semua," ujarnya.
Sejauh ini, sebanyak 21 kantong jenazah telah tiba di RS Polri. Tiga kantong di antaranya berisi barang-barang yang ditemukan di lokasi kejadian, seperti pakaian, perhiasan, kartu identitas, dan lainnya. Total penumpang yang ikut dalam penerbangan nahas itu berjumlah 45 orang, termasuk delapan awak pesawat dari Rusia.